Monday, January 17, 2005

Renewed Determination

Oh, this is the start of something good...don't you agree? - Gavin DeGraw

This has been a day of renewal and inspiration. For the majority of 2004, I was successful on a weight-watchers type diet plan where I was watching portions, nutrients, etc. During the holidays I, along with most of America, fell off of that diet. I enjoy eating. I don't deny it, it is a simple fact. I enjoy rich tastes, sweets, barbeque, you name it.

Tonight, as I was eating a mini bag of chips ahoy cookies that my parents sent to me, I tuned to the IU movie channel and I saw a documentary about fast food and it's negative effects on your body. Earlier in the day, I discovered that 3 pairs of pants no longer fit me. Now I know I have to do something about this. I know that I can be successful with weight loss. I have done it before. This semester I have gotten serious about it and I am now taking a class called Weight Control and Exercise. In my class schedule I have 2 days per week where I have time set aside for exercise. This is exactly the structure I need. The teacher is going to help me figure out what different meals I can have in the dorms and still have steady weight loss.

I should have been taking this class since freshman year.

So tomorrow, January 18th 2005, I will embark on a new year of personal fitness. A year that will see me gain more knowledge about nutrition, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. I love to exercise. It gives me time to think and work things out and will become necessary in my life again. I also ate tofu for the first time today......I don't predict it becoming a pivotal part of my diet anytime soon.


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